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is a non-profit cultural website about Ancient Rome, with Republican & Imperial Roman sites, roman ruins, Museums, books & movies, re-enactment groups, statues, Mosaics, frescoes, bronzes, etc.

Roman Heritage / Legado Romano

web sin ánimo de lucro sobre el Imperio romano, los yacimientos, ruinas romanas, museos, libros y películas, reconstrucción histórica, estatuas, mosaicos, frescos, etc.

Roman Heritage /Heredité Romaine

c'est une website sur l'empire Romain avec de Ruines romaines, museés, livres et films, groupes de reconstrucion historique, statues, mosaics et frescos.

Mapa Imperio Romano Spain France Maroc Algeria Egypt Lybia Italy Tunisia England Wales Scotland Italy France Cyprus Portugal Switzerland Greece Turkey Belgium Austria Bulgaria Croatia Danemark Germany Macedonia Netherlands Serbia Romania Hungary Jordan Syria Lebanon Luxemburg Albania Bosnia

Total Visits: 33.478.698

What is Roman HeritageWhat is Roman Heritage

The website www.romanheritage.com main objective is the dissemination of the cultural heritage of the Roman Empire, so it is a nonprofit site which the aim to become a meeting place for academic and the general public.

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Find the lattest news and updates on Roman Heritage. You can now access to our photos from the MET Museum in N. York. These will complement the ones from the Archeological museum at Constantinopolis (Istanbul) and Rome, where we have recently made an extensive trip, increasing the number of...

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About the authorAbout the author

The project sponsor is Ph. D. JesusCentenera, a polyglot from Madrid (Pozuelo de Alarcón), Ph. Doctor in Contemporary History, by UNED University, B.A. in Geography and History, Diploma in Foreign Trade and European Communities, General Manager Program...

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Our database has over 20,000 images and identifies more than 1,500 locations of sites, monuments and museums to visit the Roman world, which will make it a reference site for academics and the general public. Help us keep it updated with your advertising.