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is a non-profit cultural website about Ancient Rome, with Republican & Imperial Roman sites, roman ruins, Museums, books & movies, re-enactment groups, statues, Mosaics, frescoes, bronzes, etc.

Roman Heritage / Legado Romano

web sin ánimo de lucro sobre el Imperio romano, los yacimientos, ruinas romanas, museos, libros y películas, reconstrucción histórica, estatuas, mosaicos, frescos, etc.

Roman Heritage /Heredité Romaine

c'est une website sur l'empire Romain avec de Ruines romaines, museés, livres et films, groupes de reconstrucion historique, statues, mosaics et frescos.

Provence Provenza

Provence Provenza

We have used extensively the fantastic guide directed by Mr. Serge Panarotto, "Provence Romaine et pré-romaine" which we strongly recommend by its structure and detail.

Provence, literally, "The Province", was the first roman possesion in Gallia, comprising most of the actual territory of France and Belgium. It was deeply romanized from the beginning of the Empire and it is full of monuments of this glorious past.

We have covered Museums, Mausoelums (Huvennau), Aqueducts (mainly the Pont de Gard, but also those around Lyon), Amphitheaters (as those of Nïmes, Àrles or Frejus), theaters (as those of Orange or Lyon), conmemorative monuments (Those of the Trophe at La Turbie, or the triumphal archs at Orange, Carpentras o Cavaillou), temples (Vienne, Nîmes, etc.) or Bridges(Saint Chamas, with a double arch on top of it).

There are also archeological sites of great interest, as the one at Lyon, the one at Saint Roman en Gal, Saint Remy de Provence (Glanum), Vaison la Romaine, or even Cimiez by Niçe. Plenty of places to visit!.