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is a non-profit cultural website about Ancient Rome, with Republican & Imperial Roman sites, roman ruins, Museums, books & movies, re-enactment groups, statues, Mosaics, frescoes, bronzes, etc.

Roman Heritage / Legado Romano

web sin ánimo de lucro sobre el Imperio romano, los yacimientos, ruinas romanas, museos, libros y películas, reconstrucción histórica, estatuas, mosaicos, frescos, etc.

Roman Heritage /Heredité Romaine

c'est une website sur l'empire Romain avec de Ruines romaines, museés, livres et films, groupes de reconstrucion historique, statues, mosaics et frescos.

Bolonia Baelo Claudia

Bolonia Baelo Claudia

This is the official website information on October, the 10th, 2012. Please check the accuracy yourself on the website:

Ensenada de Bolonia, s/n.
11380 Tarifa (Cádiz)

Telephone Numbers
0034 956 10 67 96 

0034 956 10 67 97

Fax: 671564113




Ángel Muñoz Vicente.


Opening times
1 June to 30 September: from Tuesday to Saturday, 09.00 to 20.00.

From 1 to 31 October and 1 March to 31 May: from Tuesday to Saturday, 09.00 to 19.00.

From 1 November to 28 February: from Tuesday to Saturday, 09.00 to 18.00

Sunday: 09.00 to 14.00

Open on public holidays: from 09.00 to 14.00

Monday: closed.

- December 24, 25 and 31 : closed

- January 1 and 6 : closed

- December 26 and January 2: opened from 09:00 to 14:00 horas.

EU Citizens with proof of nationality: free.
Other Countries: 1. 50 euros.


Group visits
Pre-arranged visits can be made by phoning the Archaeological Ensemble or through the pre-arranged visit form on the web page, which can be found in the Pedagogical Programmes section .